Autograph Hotels x Fotografiska Musuem  |  Marriott International |  June, 2023

I was commissioned to design and build a special longform content project page on Marriott's Autograph Hotel's website to showcase their partnership with the photography museum Fotografiska. This partnership included the website I built but also a traveling exhibit at Fotografiska museums around the world. I worked remotely with the Marriott team in Washington D.C and the Fotografiska team in New York City, concepting and designing the entire site design and experience. I created all the assets and built the page entirely including the top navigation.

See the project here

Money Magazine  |  Time Inc

A selection of some web design, including redesigned websites, fun interactives and longform stories, made for Money magazine's website. All projects were designed to be responsive, sometimes designed mobile first, using either Sketch or Adobe XD for design and InVision or Zeplin for presentation.

Best Colleges, franchise redesign | 2017-2019

A full redesign of a previous section of Money's website to compliment their 'Best Colleges" website. Tasked with solving design problems like 700 profile pages, a customizable interactive and sortable tables. Roughly one million page views from launch in 2017. The design was used again in 2018 and 2019. 

The Best Cellphone Plans for You, interactive | 2017

Designed both the print feature and this special interactive using the same illustrations used in print to find the best cell phone plan for you.

Best Places to Live, franchise redesign | 2017-2019

Redesigned a previous section of for their 'Best Places to Live' franchise in partnership with Was tasked with creating a colorful, easy to navigate scrolling experience for the 100 places featured, as well as an interactive map of the United States. Roughly one million page views and template will be used again this year. 

Help! I want a Career Makeover, longform | 2017

I designed a special feature that compliments one that ran in print of three people and their career makeovers.

Best Places to Travel in 2016 franchise, longform | 2016

Using sliding tabs I designed a longform piece for Money's list of the best domestic and international destinations for 2016.

Find the Right Vacation for You, interactive | 2017

I designed as well as commisioned illustrations from Gabriel Silveira for an interactive on finding the perfect spot to vacation. 

Find the Right Vacation for Your Budget, interactive | 2016

As an addition to the release of Money's Best in Travel 2016 I worked with the editor to create and design a vacation deal finder.

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